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Tourists rent homes that do not exist

I have read this from and made a copy for you to read:

Beware when you rent accommodation for holidays. It says: the smart people ready with pink promises of a glorious summer holidays under the southern sun, but it all turns out to be bogus and scam.

Consumer Council FUCI warns of an increase in the number of complaints of fraud in the leasing of summer homes. In July, has received 21 complaints a day from people who have been cheated with leases, inventory, poor condition or because they were dirty.

Looking far from all cases
But that's just the tip of the iceberg. Most cases are never reported because both are relatively small amounts, or the victim is a foreign tourist who has no idea how to proceed.
Review of fraud of tourists has not been eased by the police claims that the free "interpretation service" because of cutbacks.

Especially prevalent on the Web
The most widespread is cheating going on over the internet. A person acting under a false name, rent an apartment, requires the transfer of a deposit and then disappear out of thin air. In some cases there is even posted pictures of the aforementioned non-existent apartment, which is why few people recognize falsehood.

Consumer Council warns fantastic "blow-bid" on the web. Be sure to pay the bank payment service and gain assurance that the amount can be blocked if there are grounds for suspicion. You may wish to send proof that the landlord is the owner of the property, bills or other evidence.

Never pay full rent prior to an unknown property, where there may be uncertainty about ownership ratio.
In cases of fraud shall be provided on a review of the nearest politikommissariat La comisaría the Policia Nacional, or at civilgardisterne, Guardia Civil.

La Marina