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K9 Committee

Unfortunately we have found out today that none of the current K9 committee members are registered with the Valencia Generalitat. Apparently, following the AGM that was held in November 2011, and subsequently the Extra Ordinary General meeting in January 2012, none of the committee members elected informed the Registro de Asociaciones in Valencia.

A copy of the registered committee members here:

Sue. W

La Marina


This is a grey area (solicitors mouth) not mine. As long as there is a legal log / membership book that is signed then there shouldn't be a problem.
If they have a solicitor which I recommend they do he will tell them exactly that.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-06-01 09:24:17 UTC

Cheryl is one of the brave people that has come forward to inform us of her personal experience and her account of actual events going on in K9 over the past few months, also confirming the raw deal that Lesley Langston at the kennels has had from K9. Others have also shared their personal experiences and they too had the conviction to provide their name in the press and on the forum. 
Cheryl in her post mentioned a very important detail, that neither the Treasurer of K9 or the President have revealed who they are. One can only speculate their reason for not doing so. 
The current K9 President is Sheona Lavisher and the Treasurer is Diane Smith (she is the one that states the dog Colin is viscious and bit her)! I believe that Diane Smith is also on the committee for Age Concern!
There is a very recent photo of the reportedly viscious dog here:


Commented Sandra in La Marina 2012-06-02 07:31:48 UTC

From the former assistant treasurer of K9…

I notice that the current K9 committee is making valiant efforts to restore some respectability and public confidence in their approach to animal welfare, good luck to them.

It does not alter the fact that TWO DOGS under their care were singled out to be put down, (Ronnie and Colin), despite the fact that both dogs were in a safe environment, one in a foster home and one in a very good kennels. The current president Sheona Lavisher and the treasurer Diane Smith should go public and give their account as to why lies were told to the people taking care of these two dogs in an attempt to spirit them away TO BE DESTROYED. If it had not been for last minute interventions by myself and Lesley Langston none of this would ever have come to light!

Both women must come clean, please explain why your plan to kill these two innocent dogs failed. I also urge members of the public to go and ask them to account for their actions!

Brian Anderson

Commented Brian in La Marina 2012-06-03 21:51:26 UTC


I think people have lost confidence in them now, I don't mean K9 the charity I mean the present huge foot ball team of a committee they have.
Upon learning they only hand over 20 euros a week for the dogs at the kennels, the entire committee should be ashamed and people need to start asking why are they holding money back. Yes they or vet bills. Simple answer would be stop taking in dogs and cats till there numbers dwindle. I'm sure that's what the Privous committes intentions were.
I give it 6-8 months K9 shop will be closed.
The council need to seriously look at getting a piece of land and making future plans for some type of kennels. I know they have the land it's just a case of getting funds available. I'm sure if everyone donates €1 euro towards it we would hae a few thousand euros to kick start it.
A thought for Jeff that is.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-06-03 22:14:12 UTC