I hear that that last remaining bastion where one could dance under the stars was made to have the Artiste appear inside last night. I am of course refering to the Sports Centre.
Maybe a fund or collection should be started up for a Sign to be placed at the beginning of the Urbanisation saying that owing to over reactionary Council and Police this area will soon be closing down.
At least venues are still operating down in Torrevieja.

La Marina


It's all good. The council are just doing what most people thought they would do. Get in power, do good for a year, buy new cars wether that be on finance or paid outright, then disappear for the next three years and leave the residents of la marina who enjoy a good night out left picking the peaces up.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-07-07 16:39:18 UTC

Andi I agree completely the council here are absolute sh** they don't seem to be doing anything and once August is upon us will of course do even less if that's possible as they will all be on holiday

Commented Negotiator in La Marina 2012-07-07 16:46:43 UTC

I agree with Andi and Douglas this is a B****y disgrace how can they be allowed to spoil it for so many of us who live here and for all the holiday makers? Can’t we get them out some how. This is not good for the area.

Commented Hope in La Marina 2012-07-07 16:57:17 UTC

How could any singer manage to perform in that prefabricated room it is far to hot in the summer months. Plus the whole atmosphere will be lost. I have family over soon even if I have to drive out of the urb I will have to find elsewhere. Any leads please?? Visitors will think us all mad. Perhaps its a backhander jobby. It is the way the Spanish work.

Commented Have A Nice Day in La Marina 2012-07-07 17:20:21 UTC

Wouldn't mind the Country is stuffing the majority of us whom are paying this
Sumo TAX 120€ incase you maybe renting your property out to what a ghost town ?
Maybe the Country might like to give us that back before they kill off the town.

Commented FOX160 in La Marina 2012-07-07 17:34:29 UTC

It feels like a conspiracy to absolutely ruin La Marina but why?? It was always just so fabulous to go to the Sports Centre and sit outside listening to the music please don't say we are not going to be allowed this pleasure during the summer months now what is the matter with everyone this is Spain isn't it?

Commented Negotiator in La Marina 2012-07-07 17:44:17 UTC

We went to the Sports Complex Friday before last and although it was outside it was an embarrassment. The Owner spent most of the night telling the singer to turn it down. It was so low by the end of the evening that it was not possible to hear Michael Star the singer say his good night piece. Plus when people sang along it drowned Michael Star out. These owners are obviously scared out of their minds about managing to survive. If they do not do well in the summer they will not survive the winter months. This goes for all the bars and restaurants on the Urbanization.
One personal comment is that as an ex Full time British Politician I think that the local council have played a close fairly clever game, but time is not on their side. The truth is out before they go away for their Summer Holidays. But at the moment they have achieved in more a less closing down any entertainment that is held in the open under the stars. WILL THE PUBLIC MAKE A NOISE OR NOT?

Commented Ian in La Marina 2012-07-07 19:47:28 UTC


Just reading your post I noticed you said ex British politician. I won't pretend to understand how any of it works and It is a hard job, people in your face everyday, some screaming and shouting some just after basic answers. It seems the Spanish run owned bars are getting away with as much music as they Wat as loud as they want. Like Eve said one rule for one and one for another. Spain is already in serious trouble financial wise. I honesty see this council coalition being split up, you have one British councillor fighting for what, no body knows, not because of us but because he isn't beig vocal about what his trying to do. Yes writing to news papers and letting them know what's going on is ok, but sorry he should be out on this Urb speaking to people trying to find out what is going on.. What about the people who voted for h does he keep I'm regular contact with them to let them know what his future plans are blah blah. This town is falling apart, the main strip along the curbs is looking like a forest, no gardening people to clear away all the over grown stuff. I fill for the people who go out spend there money at places like the sports complex, hillside and expect entertainment only for the police to come along on the orders of this useless town hall and tell them to turn it down. So what will happen next is places like the sports complex and hillside won't be able to afford these entertainers because Jeff and his 102 assistants and 169 PP councillors would of killed of all the customers so the hillside and sports complex won't have people turn up as they know the police will come along.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-07-07 20:18:36 UTC

I must relay a little story about what happened recently at a bar I go to some times on Wednesday nights. I go along here as I do enjoy quizzes, but for a few weeks now at about 11.20 pm the Police have come storming in and the Owners have been told off because at 11.20 pm they are running music quiz section. The rest of the evening there is no music whatsoever. SO, last Wednesday just before we started it was announced that the music section would be first. This was quickly finished and we got on with the general quiz. Low and behold at 11.20 pm precisely doors fly open, in come local Police only to look ASTOUNDED when there was no music quiz on. They soon retreated with their tail hanging between their legs. Obviously now looking to persecute some other poor local bar Owner whose customers are having an enjoyable evening. OUTRAGEOUS - and they are being allowed to get away with it. The Council and Counselor's need to get their Act Together very quickly and stop trying to close our urbanization down.

Commented Alice in Rentals in Spain 2012-07-07 20:43:01 UTC

Not a bad idea!!! You can leave a collection box a the La Marina Sport Complex :)

Commented hellab in La Marina 2012-07-08 10:54:39 UTC

Ian,we as these owners are of course scared out of ours minds to survive. It is all common sense the music not to loud or until to late !!! But we get the denucias anyway !!!! And when they fine us is it worth it. Sorry about that you could not hear the music :)

Commented hellab in La Marina 2012-07-08 11:02:14 UTC

Andi,here you go again. Spanish or not Spanish what is the difference!!!

Commented hellab in La Marina 2012-07-08 11:08:34 UTC

The main point that has been totally missed, this is a Valencia piece of legislation. It appears a few councils only have taken it on board. A few others are using it when it suits them. That’s often the Spanish way of doing things. What I find rather hard to understand is why local politicians with a bit of savvy have not done the obvious thing and gone after Valencia to get a bad piece of legislation changed or taken off the books as a matter of urgency. Spain needs local tourism badly it cannot afford to lose this very lucrative income.

Commented Ian in La Marina 2012-07-08 11:28:12 UTC

Alice,I have my own theory on the demise of La Marina.
I thought
it started with the moaners and groaners association of six,But i have realised that they were the pawns in a game set up by this current Council.
The game by them,was for some reason to kill off La Marina as a place for tourists to go to.
They didnt want any blame put on them for this,so they jumped on the bandwagon when a very few people started complaining about noise,whether these complaints were valid or not i dont know,But the Council used these complaints to start a purge on enjoyment.
When this looked like failing as the association of moaners suddenly went quiet,they had to blame someone else,so next they brought into play the bar owners themselves,saying they had been complaining against themselves,This was soon realised as being a stupid reason,so next they blamed the Valencian Government,with the
infamous phrase,that san Fulgencio is the only place to get noise complaints and they claim to have received over 70 of them.I did ask at one time how many of these complaints were from bar owners and also how many complaints were written by different people,the reply was a stoney silence from the Council.
I am not saying this council is worse than the previous Council,But it appears for some reason they do not want La Marina to be a tourist place of enjoyment,Do any other forum readers have any other ideas on my theory,or am i just getting paranoid

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-07-08 11:30:13 UTC

When I was in La Marina Two weeks back, we specifically went to the
Sports Bar on our last Saturday to see the Spanish on the Urb enjoying themselves.
Pretty worrying if there targeting there own.
Or do they want the Brits out and make way for the French, German and Scandinavian which are showing more interest on properties on the Urb

Commented FOX160 in La Marina 2012-07-08 17:55:29 UTC

Alan I agree with everything you have said, it all started with the moaners trying to stop people enjoying themselves, i know some of the bars didn't help by ignoring the rules and shut the music off when it was time and kept it to a reasonable level, but it is all the fault of the moaners at the end of the day and they should be ashamed of themselves for killing La Marina

Commented Linda in La Marina 2012-07-08 18:20:25 UTC

I heard a bit of news today,apparently a young lady who has been singing at a certain venue on the urb, for more years than I can remember,has stopped singing there. Could the reason be, she is in the know with the council and knew that trouble was going to descend upon this venue or, am I just being paranoid?

Commented violet in San Fulgencio 2012-07-09 15:27:23 UTC

Hi Adam I think I am aware of who you refer to. I think it is more down to her being sensible, and not willing to endure a summer season having to appear inside with audience all seated outside and her having to sweat buckets on stage under this dictatorial new ruling. Jeff you are a singer I defy you to last more than 20 minutes on that indoor stage.

Commented Ian in La Marina 2012-07-09 16:24:22 UTC

It would appear that as usual Spanish bars have cottoned onto how to partially get around this wonderful new legislation that the council are insisting on. This is my observation only. If your bar is being told that your artiste is not to appear outside then you need two entrances at the front of your premises one for clients and staff so serving can carry on plus getting to toilets. Plus your second entrance is where one places ones entertainer. Audience can see Artiste plus part of the original atmosphere has been regained. Artiste must not go over threshold , amps inside, and at 12.00 Artiste goes inside and doors are closed. This seems to be what one can get away with from my own observations. But this does not mean that artiste can now BLAST the whole area with very loud music Bar owners need to get some kind of small control kit. This is my observation only.

To view the selection of Sound Monitors click into the following link: These can be purchased on line - So this could be the end of this subject.

Commented Ian in La Marina 2012-07-09 17:27:05 UTC