Solar Power Very Interesting HOT & COLD Radiators in Spain

Solar Power Very Interesting HOT & COLD Radiators in Spain


Solar Power Very Interesting HOT & COLD Radiators in Spain

With Electricity Prices going up so fast – even here in Spain, these brilliant HOT & COLD Radiator Systems seem the obvious choice for our Future. After all we do receive a fair amount of sunshine here in Spain making this a very viable investment indeed.

For Full Details and photographs please click the link below:

For more info please fill in the form and somebody will get back to you.



What a scorcher at Zoco market this afternoon, sweat dripping off you, very uncomfortable, but hey must not complain cos thats one of the reasons why we are here.
Not too many people about and all the stall holders were all moaning about the lack of sales. Compared to last year the takings are lower and they are all concerned as this should be the best time of the year for tourists.


This week is the last week in July, so there may be a big increase in visitors as schools are now out in England. Saying that the whole year has been a bit quite.
I too agree Zoco was very hot on Sunday but it didn't stop my wife from spending lol

Commented Chalk Face Academia in Almoradi 2011-07-25 10:54:59 UTC

We all hope the holiday influx of tourists will help the flaging economy get out of the doldrum. I would agree with you Chalk Face that this year has been a lot quieter than the previous year, however we all need to be optimistic as things will inevitably improve in 2012/13.

Commented Rio in Almoradi 2011-07-25 15:01:36 UTC

I was out and about today in the the main tourist areas of Villamartin, La Zenia & Playa flamenca and I could not believe the lack of people around. The majority of the bars & restaurants were not full and I feel for all these businesses as this should be the busiest time of the year for them.
Hope things start to pick up as things are not looking too good at the moment.

Commented chrishenrick in Almoradi 2011-07-26 12:13:57 UTC

I agree almoradilife but you can only be optimistic for so long. Looking at the news around the world and listening to our Spanish customers, it looks like the only good thing about this year is that its better than next.
Hope Im proved wrong

Chin up its fiesta.
So do what the Spanish do, party now and worry later.

Commented Chalk Face Academia in Almoradi 2011-07-26 17:32:39 UTC

I am always optimistic and I really believe it will get better especially after next years spanish general election. We cannot go any further backwards as the country will fall into the same trap as Greece, which I am positive will not happen. Anyway as you say lets enjoy the fiestas and worry about it after.

Commented Rio in Almoradi 2011-07-27 18:41:40 UTC

New and Budding Authors Sought

If it has been a dream to see your name in print and your story published but you are not sure how to do it, or the thought of writing a whole book is scary, but you are confident that you could write a chapter on an experience in your life that has made an impact and change, then I need to hear from you.

I am launching a new book called A Personal Experience of Change, no matter your age or gender, the more varied the better as this book will be powerful and empowering to both the writer and the reader. For people going through a difficult time, it will help and support them to see a light at the end of a tunnel and even happy endings.

You will be fully supported with editing, formatting, graphic designer, printer, publisher and marketing team, so no worries about your grammar or language constraints.

To know more follow this link then come and join us in this amazing opportunity.


Family Language Exchange

Family Language Exchange
A lovely Spanish family husband, wife, 2 girls aged 10 and 13 want to practice their English in a more social way other than in a classroom. Are looking for a similar family.

They are willing to exchange Spanish support for anyone learning who wants to improve their conversation level.


Jason Scawthorn of JPS Fitness is able to offer home visits for Health & Rehabiliation including Sports Massage and Swedish (relaxation)Massage also Personal Training.

Block Bookings for these.. special offer 5 for 100 euros, normally 30 euros per session.

We can also offer a solution for people with joint problems and arthritis.

Tel: 693 596 533

Spanish Classes

Maths & Science Classes
From September we are offering Maths & Sciences classes for ESO Primary & Secondary levels. these classes will be taken by a qualified bilingual Spanish teacher in small groups. so whether its to help with your homework or catch up on your school course work, why not pop in for a chat to discuss what we can offer you>

English & Spanish Classes
We have an English / Spanish language academy in Almoradí. We started the school in 2009 teaching English; it has taken off so well we have now started teaching Spanish classes to people wanting to integrate into Spanish life. Classes are 5€ per class. We accommodate all levels from beginners to advanced and our classes are taught by a qualified, friendly native Spanish teacher. The classes are fun & friendly - so why not join us and make new friends whilst learning Spanish?
Interested? Give us a call or email us.

Our telephone numbers are:
695 305 825 or 965 701 984
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[email protected]

for rent in Lo Crispin
please click on the link for full views and details

Happy Castillo Summer Offer!!


Facebook: [email protected]




Hi Everybody
ive noticed over the last couple of weeks the forum seems to have gone quiet. Im guessing this is because your all in full swing with the summer season, maybe with family and friends out there enjoying the sunshine, taking up all your time in the nicest possible way or maybe youve gone back to uk to avoid the high temperatures.
Anyway it would be good to hear what you´re all doing with yourselves at the moment and in particular anything nice or any new stuff thats happening in Almoradi.

kind regards for a great summer !

Posted 2 minutes ago by almoradilife


CAM Bank to Close 122 Branches

Caja Mediterráneo (CAM) is continuing with its cost reduction plans, to be implemented this year, which will result in the closure of a total of 122 branches, 27% of their total network. The bank are confident the implementation of its recapitalisation strategy will yield “rather positive results”.

These cost reduction measures will see the closure of 1 in 4 of CAM’s branches during 2011, six months sooner than the official forecast. Fifteen closures have already been implemented to date.

Regarding staffing, the organisation said that since the approval of the redundancy plan (ERE) in June, they have already produced a reduction equivalent to 37% of the plan for 2011.

They also highlighted that as far as recurring overheads are concerned, the measures initiated during the second quarter of the year will allow a reduction of five points above the recapitalisation plan target for 2011, making the percentage reduction around 16%, excluding extraordinary items.

The Intention is to Save more than 200 Million Euros

The board of directors of Caja Mediterráneo approved the submission of their recapitalisation plan to the Bank of Spain late April and as a result, from now until the year 2015, it is projected the efficiency ratio will improve up to 50%, resulting in recurring savings of more than 200 million euros and profit levels above 15%.

As reported in El Mundo, the bank said that in developing the plan they “have been mindful of the new competitive environment and foreseeable market developments over the next five years, as well as regulatory requirements for solvency and liquidity.”

Thus, the approved plan “includes the development of various initiatives on operational restructuring and cost cutting measures designed to place the productivity and efficiency of the Bank at levels required in the new competitive and regulatory climate.”


This is another blow to the financial and Spanish economy. According to the Cam bank they will be making 6,500 redundancies due to the streamlining of the organisation, this will be from 2011-13.
When are things going to get better as it seems to be going on for ever.

Commented chrishenrick in Almoradi 2011-07-22 08:38:40 UTC

It does not sound very encouraging for the future. Really hope they get their act together and start to create more work for everybody.

Commented js424400 in Almoradi 2011-07-22 10:18:21 UTC

In my job I meet many diverse clients from various nationalities and unfortunately the ones that are struggling are the Spanish and to an extent the British as the euro has taken a bashing. The more affluent countries are all the scandanavian ones, Germany, France, Switzerland and Belgium the remainder seem to be suffering quite badly.
Sadly I cannot see any change for at least another couple of years minimum.

Commented john in Quesada 2011-07-22 13:28:36 UTC
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