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Hi all
I hope you enjoyed the wedding celebrations wherever you happened to be on the day.

Ive just heard that a new dance and fitness class has opened up underneath the fairly new quesada club (next to quesada bowling club) does anyone have anymore detail on this please


Hi. Yes its a huge new studio called The Studio. It has all kinds of dance, pilates, beauty treaments etc. We are there on a Thursday night from 7.30pm for juniors and 8.30pm for teens and adults. No membership fee for using facilities or classes...just pay as you go.

Commented Sensei in Quesada 2011-05-02 13:22:18 UTC

Hi, Full address is The Sudio, Calle Pino, Quesada

Im there on Mondays at 9.30am to do boxercise... normally fun of ladies... men can come too.

Kids boxercise here Wednesdays at 5.30pm

Night class due to start on Mondays.. maybe next week.. waiting on studio feedback and time.. thinking 7pm

Also do therapy and rehab clinic here, appointments need to be booked with me on 693 596 533 or with the studio on 965 724 046 asking for "Jasons appointments"

Commented jason from jpsfitness in Quesada 2011-05-02 14:33:04 UTC