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Travel In and around La Marina

I am sure residents & holiday makers alike would really appreciate a bus that served the urbanization. It would be especially useful if it went to the shopping area where the Mercadona etc are. Possible there might even be one, but trying to find out what buses run & when is a mind field for most. Even having an idea where on the urb a bus stops is difficult enough. Proper bus stops with displayed timetables & routes should be within any council's budget.

La Marina

As I was out walking this morning near the Grey area I spied a Bus Stop and noticed that there was a timetable on a very very high pole so I went over to investigate the time table. It made no real sense to me and I have lived here for many years now.
Could the council not work with the bus companies and arrange for better details so we can all understand it. No matter which nationality we are. I would have thought the obvious would be a simplified map that even showed the direction to the beach and the shopping areas .

I feel sorry for Tourists if this so far is the best we can offer and do.

Commented Ian in La Marina 2011-06-20 08:12:53 UTC

Can anyone please tell me if the bus that was announced in the local papers a while back, still runs to Torrevieja Hospital?
If so where does one catch it from?
Anyone know the timetable please and the cost?
Plus where does it run from to get back?
Wish it was easier to find out these type of things.

Commented Douglas in La Marina 2011-06-23 14:26:51 UTC

Douglas,I do not know if this bus is still running,but it used to stop outside the Medical Centre opposite Supa Valu.I believe it went straight to Torreviehe Hospital about Three times a day.If you pop into the Tourist office next to the Medical Centre they would give you all the Info you require and if it is still running they are bound to have the times,sorry I cannot be anymore helpful,but as no one else has answered your call it may be better than nothing

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-06-25 12:41:37 UTC

Douglas, I have no doubt whatsoever that any information at all which you require concerning buses, their routes, costs etc are available at the Information bureau next to the doctors surgery.

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-06-27 09:51:39 UTC