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Fire in electrics room!

Just a quick note to dismiss the latest gossip! The fire in the electrics room started in the electric room, and NOT in Patagonia kitchen!!! Our kitchen backs onto the electrics room so we were the first to realize, as the smoke started to filter through the suspended ceiling, into our aircon. So yes we got the smell! It was down to bad wiring, who is to blame....I am not even going there, but it was not us, in any way!!! We have electric bills for the last 5 years, and we don't use our full electric allowance, as the grill, fryer etc.. are gas. Since its been fixed, we had the fiesta, everyone was opened, and probably drawing more than normal, and no fires! Hopefully this will be it now?

La Marina

Good post, so good in fact you are telling us a lot more by not telling everything.
It was down to bad wiring ?????

Commented electrons in Elche 2013-08-08 09:09:19 UTC

Cables caught fire in the electric meter room. Landlord said it was down to bad wiring.
The point is, the fire was not created in the Patagonia kitchen.

Commented joe in La Marina 2013-08-08 11:42:43 UTC

Electrons, Do you have a grudge against someone?

Commented marko in Quesada 2013-08-08 13:18:54 UTC

Hi Marko.
Sorry no grudge, never been in the place, just though it a "funny" post, especially as the building is a new building. So begs the question, does the complete complex require a re-wire.....maybe we should quote for it LOL

Commented electrons in Elche 2013-08-08 16:15:10 UTC

You are probably right about re-wire!! Over the years tenants have gone in and helped themselves, according to the landlord.
Now that the cables burnt out, I would assume (and hope!) that the new wiring is correct and everything is in order?

Commented joe in La Marina 2013-08-08 16:59:22 UTC

I'd suggest Joe, that's the landlords fault. Does he not inspect his property on a regular basis?

Commented marko in Quesada 2013-08-08 20:11:04 UTC

We lost more than that, its not OK but what can you do?

Commented joe in La Marina 2013-08-10 16:37:29 UTC

Being insured would be a good idea to me Joe !
Also have a policy that if such unfortunate events do occur
you are re in burst for your business losses, and yes this policy
is expensive but explains why business should take it out.
I have such a policy here in England especially where you have a shared intake of Gas or Electricity
Lets move on and leave detective with the Police.

Commented FOX160 in La Marina 2013-08-11 07:07:38 UTC

I am insured but you try get money from them. They are saying because the fire started outside of my premises, its somebody else's responsibility! They are now trying to go through the landlords insurance. Not hopeful!

Commented joe in La Marina 2013-08-11 08:51:13 UTC

Think you need to see a business Solicitor to move things on !

Commented FOX160 in La Marina 2013-08-11 09:46:21 UTC