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Scam at the bank

Hi guys, thought I would warn you about a very nasty incident that happened to a friend. Matt left the bank after drawing money out, put his wallet away safely. He is always alert but this caught him off guard. After leaving the bank 2 young girls approached him with clip boards asking him to answer some questions, being polite he did his best. The questions only lasted about a minute but he felt very uncomfortable with the closeness of the young girls. When he had finished with the questions the girls walked off. Matt went into a shop straight away and within 2 minutes realized his wallet was gone. He is not a stupid man and has always been aware of pick pockets etc. Please be careful guys and make sure you keep your distance. The police were great but have not found the girls yet,apparently they watch the banks and pick just one person to rob then move to another town. What a sad world it is sometimes.
