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Portable Laptop Table Wanted

Does anybody know where we can buy a Portable Laptop Table? Ian want's to be able to sit in his armchair and use his laptop on a proper Laptop Table that can be swung to the side of the chair when not in use. We have tried the large stores around Elche & Crevillente.

We have found quite a few Companies that do these on the internet, BUT they must deliver to Spain.

Hoping for some good feedback on this one.................................


I bought a lap hugger that has been designed as a laptop table, with pockets for a drink (very important) and a little lamp.

Just found this one as an example


Commented OverSeas Property Bureau in Quesada 2011-12-19 17:08:19 UTC

Ikea do them

Commented jason from jpsfitness in Quesada 2011-12-19 19:23:12 UTC

Where is the nearest Ikea to La Marina please Jason? Do you have a link?

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-12-19 21:23:44 UTC

The nearest Ikea is Murcia. You'll find it on line.

Commented glyn perry in Quesada 2011-12-20 18:07:07 UTC