Cancellation at Villa Sarah

Hi all
just to let youknow that due to redundancy in the UK (very sad I know)we now have a late availability at Villa Sarah on Quesada for two weeks between 28th June to the 12th july (vacate 11am on the 12th) I can of course split the dates if required. please go to or go to for more info.We also advertise on this site.

email [email protected]
tel 0191 6592782 (UK)
Mob 07985612891



Surely the worst Formula 1 race in the history of the sport. Why did they not start the race properly and as they have stopped for nearly 2 hours, it would have made sense to stop the race completely. Why did I sit through watching people sweep the track and commentators saying the same things to pass the time. I must be going bonkers.


Surely one of the best F1 races of all time (once it got going) it was down the the wire to the last, Button was in last spot at one point and won it on the last lap, just goes to show you should never give up

Commented John the Golfer in Quesada 2011-06-13 11:31:08 UTC

Hi John,
Exactly right ¨Once it got going¨ it was the 2 hours of dourness before that really made me sleep, you must admit that, once you got through that then I agree it was good at the end.

Commented savemoney61 in Almoradi 2011-06-13 16:29:55 UTC

I can see what you mean savemoney, my husband was stuck on the same channel from 6pm until the end, more than 5 hours later, he enjoyed it, luckily we have another tv, so I watched what I wanted or I would have been bored to tears.

Commented js424400 in Almoradi 2011-06-13 16:50:20 UTC


Sometimes its better to put love into hugs than to put it into words.
~ Unknown



Isn´t it beautiful to wake up with the sun shining and the blue sky sitting permanently in the background as if it never disappears. What a difference from the early mornings of getting up in the UK when it was generally dark, grey and wet.I know where I want to wake upto!!!!!! Have a nice day all



karaoke to night
Restaurante BAR la estasion torrevieja
Dirección: Urbano Arregui, 1 Torrevieja, Alicante 03180 España
Torrevieja, Spain
Created by:
Tony Capaldi
More info



Listen Up Singles!

Join us for a great night of Speed Dating followed by Live Entertainment at the new Asturias on the N332 Punta Prima

Lets Get This Party Started! Meet a stranger make a friend.

The Venue: New Asturias, Punta Prima

Dates To Be Arranged -

"Watch This Space"!

For more details contact:

Prue +34 693 014 337 La Siesta

Kas +34 622 033 582 Los Balcones


Guide to Spanish Inheritance tax,

A Guide to Spanish Inheritance tax,


You may be aware of this already, but it’s something many people who own property in Spain don’t know.

It’s about the taxes payable when an owner of property in Spain passes away.

If you have ever wondered about the details of inheritance tax, it’s simply this:

Your hard earned legacy may have to be sold off to pay crippling tax bills when you pass away?

Spanish Inheritance tax, death duties , legal fees - up to 40% .

So, right now, can you be absolutely sure that those you leave behind will have the money to cover those costs?

Of course we would all prefer our children and grandchildren to enjoy the property we’ve worked so hard to own, and not be forced to sell it to cover onerous tax demands.

Equally as worrying, did you know that in the UK system of IHT, a husband or wife is usually an exempt beneficiary?

But in the Spanish system...

Your husband or wife will not be exempt from Spanish Inheritance Tax.

It's a sobering thought, isn't it?

For a Fuller explanation

Can you provide a more in depth explanation by sending me an email to the this email. Many thanks

Commented Rio in Almoradi 2011-06-11 14:10:38 UTC

I have emailed you as requested with some details that may help you in your investigations and I will also supply a reply to your other Post on this Forum on the same subject.

Commented Spanish Connections in Rentals in Spain 2011-06-12 14:04:28 UTC

Many thanks!

Commented Rio in Almoradi 2011-06-12 15:01:01 UTC


Can anyone expalain how IHT and CGT actually works here in Spain. You always here different stories but would really like to know exactly what the legislation is if you are a resident or non resident. Thanks


Thanks I will send them an email!

Commented Rio in Almoradi 2011-06-09 16:05:09 UTC

When it comes to Tax then Residents of Spain are Taxed by their Region like Murcia or Valencia, for example, but non Residents of Spain are Taxed by the central Tax office in Madrid. Even if the deceased of a property is Resident of Spain and the Benefisheries are not then the Benefisheris still have to pay Inheritance Tax to Madrid not the Region where the property is located. This is the case whether the property is on mainland Spain or the Canaries or Balearic's and irrelevant of Nationality unless Spanish.

Commented Spanish Connections in Rentals in Spain 2011-06-12 14:42:01 UTC

Hi Spanish IHT,
Thank you very much for the info! Correct me if I am wrong my children who are resident in the UK will need to pay IHT! is there any loopholes where we can reduce this cost? Kind regards

Commented Rio in Almoradi 2011-06-12 15:00:07 UTC

Ladies Pamper Day

Calling all Ladies who like to eat drink and be pampered! Casa la Pedrera is opening it's grounds again on Thursday 23rd June 11.00a.m. until 4.00p.m. to any ladies who would like to enjoy a leisurely day out. Starting with a welcome glass of Cava or a refreshing cup of tea, ladies will be able to wander in the grounds, have a leisurely massage or beauty treatment, watch a few short demonstrations, possibly even Zumba! (participation strictly voluntary) enjoy a two course lunch with a glass of wine and by special request Susan will make the Mother in Law's secret recipe sherry trifle!! Husbands or lovers can drop their ladies off and return to collect and enjoy a lesiurely cup of tea at 4.00p.m.

Book early as last year we were over subscribed... Tickets are €12 and profits from the day are for Paul Cunningham Nurses. A list of special prices for massage and other treatments available will be sent on request. Please email [email protected] or call or text to 639 318 526

Addition this year of 'relax in the jacuzzi' so if this or a leisuely swim appeals please bring your cozzies and towels!


What a lovely idea and a very special treat for all the ladies out there!!! I will certainly be getting my beautiful lady a ticket for the day and will be recommending this to many of her friends!!!!!!!

Commented Rio in Almoradi 2011-06-11 14:07:50 UTC

What a lovely comment - thank you and what a great idea I had not though of advertising this as a present!

Mnay thanks Susan

Commented Susan Reader in Quesada 2011-06-12 11:41:45 UTC

The Human Fruit Machine

NEXT APPEARANCE OF THE HUMAN FRUIT MACHINE IS SATURDAY, 25th JUNE at Palms Equestrian Centre in Catral. There was all the fun of the fair with The Human Fruit Machine on its last outing!!! With over 1000 people over two days at Casa la Pedrera the Human Fruit Machine created a lot of fun. It was a slow start until Paul Cunningham Nurses realised they knew how it worked BUT no one else did!! Many people thought you either got fruit thrown at you or you had to pelt the three people with fruit. Well as you can see our very own Ian Rockford from TKO Radio has already been 'in the box' and all you have to do is hold up a piece of fruit when the contestant sounds the hooter!

Each contestant has three goes for €1 and just like a fruit machine certain fruit win certain prizes! and sometimes money vouchers!

The Human Fruit Machine was made by Derek Rogers from The Patience Lodge 2177 and it is kindly loaned out to raise funds for Paul Cunningham Nurses and it's next appearance will be on June 25th at Palms Equestrian Centre in Catral - for more details see or email [email protected] or call 629 869 959.

We will be recruiting fruit panel members for Saturday June 25th so if you would like to join in the fun for a half hour in the chair, please email or call the above number.

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