Moors and Christians

Guardamar and Orihuela celebrate Moors and Christians

THE MOORS and Christians fiesta is a major event in Spain commemorating the Christians’ victory over the Moors and the subsequent re-conquest of their land. The Moors, hailing from North Africa, invaded Spain in 711 in a bid to convert Catholic Spain into a land ruled by Islam.

By the 13th century, much of Spain was re-conquered by the Christians in the form of a united Spain, and the Moors had to convert to Catholicism, be expelled back to Africa or be killed for not doing so. However, it wasn’t until 1492 when Granada, the last Moorish stronghold, surrendered to the Catholic monarchs, Ferdinand and Isabella, and the re-conquest was finally over.

This major piece of history is celebrated all over Spain with mock invasions, battles and the ultimate victory of the Christians.

The Moors and Christians fiesta can last for a whole week and will often see whole towns and villages participating in the traditional event.

Next week is the turn of Guardamar and Orihuela, celebrating the Moors and Christians fiesta from Saturday 16th July until Saturday 23rd July in Orihuela, and from Friday 15th until Monday 25th in Guardamar: both towns offer a varied programme of events on a daily basis for residents’ and tourists’ entertainment alike
