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Naked Dance - Sweden's Got Talent

Thought I would brighten up the forum a little.
If offended read title before watching. If not offended go ahead and Enjoy!!

La Marina

Great Fun!

Commented Frizzy in La Marina 2013-11-16 14:24:42 UTC

Very good carol but what about something for us boys

Commented Henry in La Marina 2013-11-16 19:00:05 UTC

Just a normal lunchtime in Scandinavia!

Commented Friendlyviking in La Marina 2013-11-16 19:05:28 UTC

How disgusting had to watch it 3 times. Cant it be played in slow motion?

Commented Daisy in La Marina 2013-11-17 07:45:00 UTC

lol made my day - so funny x

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2013-11-17 11:55:40 UTC