Sunday Roast menu 5th of February

Please join us for a fabulous Sunday Roast at El Corazón

Only € 9.95 p.p

Menu 5th of February

Welcome drink

Choice of starters

* Cream of vegetable soup
* Deep fried breaded brie
* Garlic mushrooms
* Homemade chef´s paté

Choice of main courses

* Beef /turkey or pork with
Yorkshire pudding,
and as much vegetables and potatoes as you like

* Choice of desserts

* Lemon meringue
* Apple crumble
* Treacle sponge
* Double chocolate cheesecake

Hotel & restaurant El Corazón
Calle Jupiter esq Calle Apolo
03170 Rojales

96 671 39 57

This Sunday at El Corazón
Sunday Roast for only € 9.95 and € 5,- for children up to 9 years old!

Commented Hotel & Restaurante El Corazon in Rojales 2012-02-03 12:47:28 UTC