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Camera Course in December

David Stokes and Paul Ashton of Photogenics Costa Blanca are once again running their popular camera course ‘Get to Know Your Camera – the Basics’. The course will run for 2 full days, Monday and Tuesday 3rd & 4th December from 10.30am to 4.30pm, at La Herradura Restaurant, Los Montesinos. The cost is just 90€ per person including a light lunch.
These days, nearly everyone has a digital camera of some sort, and the cameras made in the last few years have become very sophisticated in what they can do. However, the majority of people do not know how to use most of the functions on the camera they have bought, and only use the automatic setting.
Automatic mode on a camera will often work fine, but not in all circumstances. By learning the basic rules of photography, and how to set the camera to the optimum setting in any given situation, you can turn okay photos into good photos, and take good photos where the automatic setting would not produce a worthwhile result.
During this course you will learn how to use Aperture, Shutter Speed, Focusing and exposure modes etc., along with the elements of good composition, to create photos that will wow your family and friends. You will get a lot of individual attention, and good practical experience.
For more information visit, or call David on 649 613 517.
